Bradley Pitts

Aural Dislocation

What does it mean to listen to someone else’s ears? Can two people experience the same space at the same time? I want to slip between your ears and allow you to slip between mine.

Body Flux

Body Flux
Body, Environment, Food, Plastic, Audio Recording, Video Recording, Hair, Nails, Urine/Feces, Sweat, Breath

What is the body? How does it act as a volume of flux?

Inputs: air, food, drink, information (light, sound, smell, touch, taste, etc.), etc.

Outputs: breath, sweat, urine, feces, information, hairs, nails, skin, etc.

Donning the void

Donning the Void
Vacuum, Polycarbonate, Body, Fabric

The Vacuum Cuff allows the wearer to wrap themselves in vacuum as they move through their day, bringing empty space to the realm of the everyday/commonplace.


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