Category: Performance

Art By Telephone

Various-Artists_Art_By_Telephone_1969   Shortly after its opening, the Museum of Contemporary Art planned an exhibition to record the trend, incipient then and pervasive today, toward conceptualization of art. This exhibition, scheduled for the spring of 1968 and abandoned because of technical difficulties, consisted of works in different media, conceived by artists in this country and Europe and executed in Chicago on their behalf. The telephone was designated the most fitting means of communication in relaying instructions to those entrusted with fabrication of the artists’ projects or enactment of their ideas. To heighten the challenge of a wholly verbal exchange, drawings, blueprints or written descriptions were avoided. -Jan van der Marck (covertext) Participating artists: Siah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Iain Baxter, Mel Bochner, Geoge Brecht, Jack Burnham, James Lee Byars, Robert H. Cumming, Francoise Dallegret, Jan Dibbets, John Giorno, Robert Grosvenor, Hans Haacke, Richard Hamilton, Dick Higgins, Davi Det Hompson, Robert Huot, Alani Jacquet, Ed Kienholz, Joseph Kosuth, Les Levine, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Guenther Uecker, Stan Van Der Beek, Bernar Venet, Frank Lincoln, Viner Wolf Vostell, William Wegman, William T. Wiley. Cover: b/w, gatefold, documentation-photo, texts about the artists and


Artemisa Clark

This video documents a performance in which I crawl from the hostel I stayed in during my time at the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts to the Hohensalzburg Fortress, where the classes and final show were held. > It’s wasn’t me, I swear.

Reading Position for Second Degree Burn

Dennis Oppenheim

1970 Book, skin, solar energy. Exposure time: 5 hours. Jones Beach, New York

Bradley Pitts

What does it mean to listen to someone else’s ears? Can two people experience the same space at the same time? I want to slip between your ears and allow you to slip between mine. Body Flux Performance/Installation Body, Environment, Food, Plastic, Audio Recording, Video Recording, Hair, Nails, Urine/Feces, Sweat, Breath What is the body? How does it act as a volume of flux? Inputs: air, food, drink, information (light, sound, smell, touch, taste, etc.), etc. Outputs: breath, sweat, urine, feces, information, hairs, nails, skin, etc. Donning the Void Performance/Device Vacuum, Polycarbonate, Body, Fabric The Vacuum Cuff allows the wearer to wrap themselves in vacuum as they move through their day, bringing empty space to the realm of the everyday/commonplace.