phil hale

Phil Hale Born 1963 Lives and works in London Upcoming Solo Exhibition LIFE WANTS TO LIVE at Jonathan Levine Gallery February 21 to March 23, 2015 Selected Group Shows Being Present Jerwood Space London 2004 AnoPseudononymous Five Hundred Dollars, London 2009 Prague Biennale, Prague 2011 Selected Solo Shows Mockingbirds/Relaxeder Jerwood Space, London 2005 Urge Ourselves Under Five Hundred Dollars, London 2009 Record Separator Five Hundred Dollars, London 2010 Selected Collections National Portrait Gallery, London MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club at Lords Cricket Ground, London) Selected Commissions Tony Blair (House of Commons) Thomas Ades (National Portrait Gallery) Muttiah Muralitharan (Marylebone Cricket Club at Lords Cricket Ground, London) Morton (NF Sectional Center) Adam Jones (private) Peter Hall (Hunter-Hall, London) Books Include Mockingbirds/Relaxeder Urge Ourselves Under Empire Black Crack Path Vacates Representing Gallery Jonathan Levine Gallery 529 West 20th Street and 557C West 23rd Street | New York, NY 10011

Marton Perlaki +19176026162   Represented by Webber Represents London: New York: Portfolio and CV upon request.

Keith Arnatt

Keith Arnatt was born in 1930 in Oxford. He left school early and worked for a period in the drawing office of the Morris car works in Cowley, Oxford. He did National Service in the RAF in Malta. He went to art school in Oxford where he met his wife, Jo. He also attended philosophy lectures being particularly interested in the moral and ordinary language philosophy then current at Oxford. He recounted meeting Michael Dummett (who wrote importantly on the philosophy of mathematics and verificationism, Frege, the Tarot, and style issues in English grammar) who was entirely dismissive of any significant thought about art in connection with philosophy. He later studied at the Royal Academy. Arnatt taught art in the sixties and seventies at Liverpool School of Art and then Manchester School of Art. At Manchester he lived on the Yorkshire moors working from a studio in his barn. He moved with his family to Monmouthshire in 1969 and taught until his retirement at Newport College of Art, starting just before the appointment of the radical head of department Roy Ascott. Like other conceptual artists, Arnatt’s early work was prominently featured in significant shows in the United States and Europe,